hong hua
hong hua is used to regulate menstruation for those with amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea

hong hua is used to regulate menstruation for those with amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea
ba ji tian is a major herb for reproductive health, such as infertility
bai shao can treat abnormal menstruation and can also help alleviate headaches and migraines
du zhong treats lower back, knee, and leg pain
xin yi hua is great for the common cold with nasal congestion
ji xue teng treats tight muscles and sore joints
gou qi zi can help improve visual acuity
fu ling can improve appetite, headache, dizziness, and bloating
huang qi treats fatigue, shortness of breath, and diarrhea
qing hao is used to relieve fever, headache, and congestion
ju hua can relieve fever, sore throat, and dry eyes
chuan xiong is popular for gynecological problems
sheng di huang relieves fever, anxiety, and night sweats
gan cao can help alleviate fatigue, loose stools, and low appetite
xu duan is commonly used for lower back and knee pain
lian zi helps treat low appetite, bloating, and indigestion